Team game – Treasure Hunt in the Langhe of Barolo®

The “treasure hunt” formula, adapted to companies, to stimulate group dynamics and stimulate the achievement of a common goal. All among unique landscapes in the world.

Team game – Treasure Hunt in the Langhe of Barolo®

The “treasure hunt” formula, adapted to companies, to stimulate group dynamics and stimulate the achievement of a common goal. All among unique landscapes in the world.

MUBATT | Museum of the Battle of Ceresole d’Alba

An exhibition area dedicated to the Battle of Ceresole in 1544. A journey to discover the conflict, among historical testimonies and memorabilia preciously preserved over the centuries.

Associazione Turismo in Langa
P. Iva 02987630049 - CF 91009030049

Sviluppo & design Paolo Racca