Grinzane Cavour castle

castello di Grinzane Cavour
The name of the little village paid tribute to the statesman of the Risorgimento who has been Grinzane? Mayor for 17 years. He was nominated in May 1832 at the age of 22 and he maintained this position until February 1849. When he died, the castle passed into the possession of the favorite Giuseppina, who married the count Carlo Alfieri di Sostegno. The last descendant of this family is the marchioness Adele Alfieri, who has left the castle to the municipality of Alba of which Grinzane was part.
The district is divided in two centers Gallo and Grinzane Cavour. Gallo hosts a lot of handmade and industrial activities ( Sebaste torrone and Mondo), whereas the ancient city consist of Grinzane Cavour, with a few houses, close around the stern gauge of the castle.
Built in the first half of the XIII century, the castle has suffered some architectural changes. The current aspect is the result of renovations began in 1961, on the occasion of the first 100 years of the Italian State. The imposing building has a trapezoidal map laterally, with four bodies laid out in an irregular way around the central yard. In the XVI century was extended with the addition of two cylindrical picturesque; the “Sala delle maschere” is of the same period, the ceiling coffer with 157 small boards painted on the occasion of Pietrino Falletti’s marriage, which illustrated coats of arms, animals, symbolic representations and portraits.